Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
that are 70 to 95 percent organic. These foods can be labeled as
“made with organic ingredients.”
Choosing to grow your own vegetables and committing to growing
them using organic principles and methods will give you the assur-
ance of knowing what you are eating. It is also becoming more pop-
ular to purchase vegetables, fruits, and other products that are
grown and made in your local community or area. Because of this
new trend, there are more small growers-even some backyard
gardeners are growing extra vegetables to sell at farmers' markets
or gate sales. If growing veggies is something you love to do, you
might be able to earn a living doing it. If you have the desire and
time to grow vegetables, the extra money is a huge bonus-as is the
satisfaction of selling fresh produce that others will enjoy.
Smoothie Garden Solution
Maximize a small space by interplanting a variety of vegetables
within a certain area. Grow combinations of fast-growing varieties
with vegetables that take longer to mature. Grow lettuce with
corn, peas, or tomatoes. Grow beans with carrots, corn, or cucum-
bers. Grow radishes with onions, peas, or carrots.
The Transition
If you are a gardener who has not been growing organically and has
decided to make some changes, there are a few easy ways to make
the transition. A vegetable garden can take a fair amount of care and
attention. If you are transitioning from nonorganic to organic grow-
ing, be patient with yourself and your garden. Change can be difficult
on all living things-remember, your soil and plants are living organ-
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