Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
your harvest, giving you fresh veggies all year long. However, a per-
manent structure may need more maintenance and can be more
costly to repair than a cold frame or plastic tunnel.
Greenhouse Maintenance
When growing your vegetables indoors, it is important to have a bal-
ance of water, ventilation, and heat for your plants to grow well. It is
best to water your plants from below and you must be careful not to
overwater them. Temperatures can change drastically from day to
night, so checking the temperature often will help you make
decisions on when to ventilate or whether to add heat. Ventilation
during the bright, sunny days is extremely important to maintain the
temperature throughout the day and night. If you have automatic
vents, make sure they are checked regularly and serviced if needed.
Having a thermometer is essential in your cold frame, plastic tunnel,
or greenhouse.
Keeping your greenhouse free of debris will help prevent disease
and pests. Make sure to remove weeds from the structure. If you are
removing diseased plants, make sure you place them into a plastic
bag as soon as you pull them out or cut them so as not to spread the
problem to other plants or your soil.
Fall or early spring are ideal times to wash and clean the glass in
your greenhouse and the lid of your cold frame. A clean surface will
allow more sunlight to reach your plants, so take the time to wash
the glass inside and out. It is also important to clean and disinfect
any shelving or tables you may have in your greenhouse to discour-
age the spread of disease. Organizing any items you may have
stored and removing all old plants and debris will discourage pests
from finding a home. Repair or replace anything that may be broken
or in need of attention.
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