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24. Ibid., 294.
25. Earle Draper, “The New TVA Town of Norris, Tennessee,” American City and
County 48 (1933), 68.
26. Tracy Augur, “The Planning of the Town of Norris,” American Architect and
Architecture 148 (1936), 19-26.
27. Creese, TVA's Public Planning, 258, 259.
28. Charles Stevenson, “A Contrast in Perfect Towns,” The Nation's Business 25
(1937), 19.
29. Tracy Augur, quoted in National Resources Committee, Supplementary Report
of the Urbanism Committee, vol. II (National Resources Committee, 1939), 72.
30. Thomas McCraw, Morgan vs. Lilienthal: The Feud within the TVA (Loyola Uni-
versity, 1970), 36; Richard Lowitt, “TVA 1933-45,” in TVA, ed. Hargrove and
Conkin, 44, 45.
31. Daniel Schaffer, “The Tennessee Transplant,” Town and Country Planning 53
(1984), 316-318.
32. “Die Stadt der Hermann-Göring-Werke,” in Die Baukunst, Die Kunst im
Dritten Reich, April 1939, 140.Translations are ours unless otherwise indicated.
33. Winfried Nerdinger, Bauhaus-Moderne im Nationalsozialismus (Prestel, 1993),
172. I am grateful to Dr. Nerdinger, Director of the Architecture Museum at the
Technische Universität München, for his insights and for leading me to numerous
German sources on Nazi architecture and town planning.
34. By far the best source on the development of the Salzgitter region is Christian
Schneider, Stadtgründung im Dritten Reich, Wolfsburg und Salzgitter (Heinz Moos,
35. See Schneider, 55-57.
36. Jean Chardonnet, Métropoles Économiques (Armand Colin, 1968), 101; Hans
Günter Schönwälder, Werden und Wandel des Industriegebietes Salzgitter, Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Hamburg, 1967, 81.
37. Schönwälder, 81-83. The population was initially projected to grow to
300,000 but never actually reached that size. See Chardonnet, 113.
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