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38. On Spengler's and the National Socialists' reaction against the modernist city
and industrial state, see Carl E. Schorske, Thinking with History: Explorations in the
Passage to Modernism (Princeton University Press, 1998), 52, 53.
39. On Nazi ideological antipathy to cities and industrialization, see Barbara Miller
Lane, Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918-1945 (Harvard University Press,
1968), 155; Schneider , 9, 11.
40. On Tönnies's distinction between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft in response to
industrialization, see Arthur Mitzman, Sociology and Estrangement:Three Sociologists of
Imperial Germany (Knopf, 1973).
41. Jeffrey Herf, Reactionary Modernism:Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and
the Third Reich (Cambridge University Press, 1986).
42. Among them were edge cities near Düsseldorf, several in industrial areas of
Berlin, and elsewhere. By 1941, some 355 million Reichsmarks had been spent to
create a reported 184,000 Kleinsiedlungen (new mining, steel, and agricultural
towns) and more than 275,000 dwellings, apartments, and Volkswohnungen for
middle-class, working-class, poor, and unemployed Germans. One of the most
interesting examples of a new German industrial town (recalling places like Pull-
man, Illinois, and, to some extent, Norris,Tennessee) was the city of “KdF (Strength
through Joy)-Wagens,” the Volkswagen factory town, also near Braunschweig, built
under Reich auspices by Ferdinand Porsche, a great admirer of Henry Ford. See
Schneider, 63.
43. On Howard's Garden City Movement, see Lewis Mumford, The City in History:
Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects (Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961),
514-522. On the rapid adoption of the movement in Germany, see Schneider, 10; Ute
Peltz-Dreckmann, Nationalsozialistischer Siedlungsbau (Minerva, 1978), 43-45, 203f.
44. Lane, 154-156.
45. Heavily influenced by Ebenezer Howard's Garden City ideal, Feder sketched
a plan that established the template for towns like Salzgitter in “Versuch der Be-
gründung einer neuen Stadtbaukunst aus der sozialen Struktur der Bevölkerung.”
Feder's proposals are outlined in Peltz-Dreckmann, 43-45, 193-204.
46. Quoted and translated by Lane, 205, 206.
47. In December of 1937,“Wohnungs A.G.” was incorporated in Braunschweig to
build and manage the housing for the employees of the Reichswerke (Schneider,
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