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Figure 5.6 Projection of a space-time prism for two points, a and b .
Definition 5.8. An object is moving along a finite system (or set) of streets, N.
A location-aware device provides an estimate for the vehicle's location at a finite
number of points in tim e, denoted by { 0 , 1 ,...,t } . The vehicle's actual location
at time t is denoted by P t and the e st imate is denoted P t . Map matching is the
process of determining the street in N that contains P t . That is, to determine the
street that the vehicle is on at time t.
For applying the space-time prisms method to the map-matching problem,
we must first make the following considerations. Given the time between two
consecutive recorded points, a and b , and a maximal speed, a car could have been
inmany possible locations, determined by the projection of the space-time prisms
over the plane. Even though this projection would be an ellipse, we can simplify
this computation defining a bounding box given by two points, R ( X 1 ,Y 1 )and
U ( X 2 ,Y 2 ), as Figure 5.6 shows (the line within the ellipse represents the actual
road). R is computed as follows: X 1 is the farthest point on the x -axis that can
be reached moving away from b driving at maximum speed v max . Analogously,
Y 1 is the is the farthest point on the y -axis that can be reached moving away
from b driving at maximum speed v max .U is computed as follows: X 2 is the
farthest point on the x -axis that can be reached moving away from a driving at
maximum speed v max . Analogously, Y 2 is the is the farthest point on the y -axis
that can be reached moving away from a driving at maximum speed v max .
We next sketch an algorithm for map matching based on space-time prisms
(in the following, ST-MM).
1. First, bound the network by calculating, for each pair of consecutive points,
the roads that connect them (as described above).
2. For each GPS point, compute the n closest road segments, assigning weights
to each segment in a way such that the one closest to the point gets weight n ,
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