Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Tyson, P The Eighth Continent: Life, Death and Discovery in the Lost World of Madagas-
car Perennial (HarperCollins), 2001. An American journalist's description of accompa-
nying four scientific expeditions in Madagascar, with American, British and Malagasy
and natural history.
Weinberg, S A Fish Caught in Time Fourth Estate, UK 1999. The fascinating tale of the
1938 discovery of a live coelacanth - a fish previously believed extinct for millions of
years - off Madagascar's shores.
Wilson, J Lemurs of the Lost World: Exploring the Forests and Crocodile Caves of Mada-
gascar Revised 1995. An amusing and lively account of British scientific expeditions to
Ankarana and subsequent travels in Madagascar.
Specialist literature and guides
Bradt, H; Schuurman, D & Garbutt, N Madagascar Wildlife: A Visitor's Guide Bradt
Travel Guides (UK); Globe Pequot Press (US) 2008 (3rd edition). A photographic guide
to the island's most interesting and appealing wildlife, including where best to see it.
Cribb, P & Hermans, J Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, UK 2007. Guide to Madagascar's extensive orchid flora; over 600 colour photos.
Dorr,LJ PlantCollectorsinMadagascarandtheComoroIslands RoyalBotanicGardens,
Kew, UK 1997. Biographical and bibliographical information on over 1,000 individuals
and groups.
Dransfield, J & Beentje, H The Palms of Madagascar Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
1996. A beautiful and much-needed book describing the many palm species of Mada-
Dransfield, J; Beentje, H; Britt, A; Ranarivelo, T & Razafitsalama, J Field Guide to the
PalmsofMadagascar RoyalBotanicGardens,Kew,UK2006.Aguidetomorethan100
of the native palms with over 180 colour photo plus distribution maps for each species.
Garbutt,N MammalsofMadagascar:ACompleteGuide A&CBlack,UK2007.Thiscom-
pletely revised and updated guide contains photographs and distribution maps for all
Malagasy mammals, including dozens of newly described species. Very comprehensive.
Paperback; suitable for use as a field guide.
Glaw, F & Vences, M A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar 2007.
The third edition of this thorough guide to the herpetofauna gives over 700 detailed spe-
cies profiles and 1,500 colour photos. Available through NHBS. Also available in Mala-
Goodman, S & Benstead, J The Natural History of Madagascar Chicago University Press
2004. The most thorough and comprehensive account yet published. The island's geo-
logy, climate, human ecology and impact, marine ecosystems, plants, invertebrates, fish,
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