Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sharp, L A The Sacrificed Generation: Youth, History and the Colonized Mind in Mada-
gascar University of California Press, US 2002. An academic but very readable look at
the role of the younger generation in Madagascar.
Wilson, P J Freedom by a Hair's Breadth University of Michigan, US 1993. An anthropo-
logical study of the Tsimihety people, written in a clear style and accessible to the gen-
eral reader.
Natural history
Attenborough, D Zoo Quest to Madagascar Lutterworth, UK 1961. Still one of the best
travel books ever written about Madagascar, with, of course, plenty of original wildlife
observations. Out of print, but copies can be found; more readily available as part of the
three-book compilation Journeys to the Past (1981).
Durrell, G The Aye-aye and I HarperCollins, UK 1992. The focal point is the collecting of
aye-ayes for Jersey Zoo, written in the inimitable Durrell style with plenty of humour
and travellers' tales.
Heying, H E Antipode: Seasons with the Extraordinary Wildlife and Culture of Mada-
gascar St Martin's, USA 2002. Herpetologist Heather Heying recounts her experiences
studying mantella frogs on Nosy Mangabe and presents her own view of the Malagasy.
Jolly, A A World Like Our Own: Man and Nature in Madagascar Yale University Press,
1980. The first and still the best look at the relationship between the natural history and
people of the island. Highly readable.
Jolly, A Lords and Lemurs Houghton Mifflin, US 2004. The long-awaited sequel to A
WorldLike OurOwn .Alison JollyknowsBerenty better thananyoneandwrites aboutit
better than anyone. This is a marvellous blend of scientific and anthropological fact in a
book that reads like a novel. It's funny, engrossing and often surprising.
Pakenham, T The Remarkable Baobab Weidenfeld & Nicolson, UK 2004. A follow-up to
Remarkable Trees of the World by the same author. This is the story of the baobab, six
out of eight species of which live exclusively in Madagascar.
Preston-Mafham, K Madagascar: A Natural History Facts on File, UK & US 1991. The
most enjoyable and useful book on the subject. Illustrated with superb colour photos
(coffee-table format), it is as good for identifying strange invertebrates and unusual
plants as in describing animal behaviour.
Quammen,D TheSongoftheDodo Hutchinson,UK1996.Aninterestingaccountofisland
biogeography and its implications for nature reserves.
Thompson, P Madagascar: The Great Red Island UK 2004. A self-published account of
travels in Madagascar by a botanist, so of particular interest to plant-lovers. There's
a useful appendix on plant names. Available from Amazon or the author (% 01588
672106; e ).
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