Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Parker Pearson, Mike & Godden, Karen In Search of the Red Slave Sutton Publishing, UK
2002. An archaeological team goes in search of Robert Drury. An absorbing account
which reads like a whodunit, but is equally interesting as a portrait of the Tandroy
Sibree,J MadagascarBeforetheConquest:theIsland,theCountry,andthePeople TFish-
er Unwin, UK 1896. Sibree (with William Ellis) was the main documenter of Madagas-
car during the days of the London Missionary Society. He wrote many excellent books
on the island.
Spong, C Madagascar: Rail and Mail Indian Ocean Study Circle, 2003. Available from
Keith Fitton (50 Firlands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0HR ). £12 plus postage. A mono-
graph detailing the country's philately and railways.
van den Boogaerde, P Shipwrecks of Madagascar Eloquent, USA 2009. An overview of
around 100 notable shipwrecks off Malagasy shores.
Astuti, R People of the sea: Identity and descent among the Vezo of Madagascar Cam-
Bloch, M From Blessing to Violence Cambridge University Press, UK 1986. History and
ideology of the circumcision ritual of the Merina people.
Ewins,E Fihamy:alivinglegend Blurb,USA2005.AnanalysisofMalagasyoraltradition
in a Masikoro village, centred on a banyan tree. Available from
Haring,Lee VerbalArtsinMadagascar:PerformanceinHistoricalPerspective University
of Pennsylvania Press, US 1992. Study of Malagasy folklore including more than 100
translated riddles, proverbs, hainteny and oratories.
Lambek, M The Weight of the Past: Living with History in Mahajanga Palgrave Macmil-
lan, US 2002. The author looks at the role of history in the identity of the Sakalava.
Mack, J Madagascar: Island of the Ancestors British Museum, UK 1986. A scholarly and
informative account of the ethnography of Madagascar.
Mack, J Malagasy Textiles Shire Publications, UK 1989.
Powe, E L Lore of Madagascar Dan Aiki (530 W Johnson St, Apt 210, Madison, WI
53703 ), US 1994. An immense work - over 700 pages and 260 colour photos - with a
price to match. This is the only book to describe in detail and in a readable form all 39
ethnic groups in Madagascar.
Ruud, J Taboo: a Study of Malagasy Customs and Beliefs Oslo University Press/George
Allen & Unwin, UK 1960. Written by a Norwegian Lutheran missionary who worked
for20yearsinMadagascar.Adetailedstudy offady,vintana andotherMalagasybeliefs.
Sharp, L A The Possessed and the Dispossessed: Spirits, Identity and Power in a Mada-
gascar Migrant Town University of California Press, US 1993. Describes the daily life
and the phenomenon of possession ( tromba ) in the town of Ambanja.
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