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strated that rule 1 is appropriate in the case of the important prototype Lewis
base H 2 O, given that half the angle between the n-pairs in the n-pair model of
H 2 Oshouldbe
54 (See Fig. 2).
It was not possible to determine experimental PE functions for H 2 O
[113] and H 2 O
ClF [72] in same way. However, another approach was pos-
sible. The energy of each complex was obtained by carrying out a full geom-
etry optimisation at fixed values of the out-of-plane bending coordinate
70 . The aug-cc-pVDZ/MP2 level of theory was used and
correction for basis set superposition error was applied. This ab initio po-
tential function was then fitted numerically to the expression of Eq. 1 to give
the coefficients A and B and thence a and b .Once a and b were available,
the matrix of the Hamiltonian H = p z /
in the range 0 to
+ V ( z ) was set up using a basis
composed of 100 harmonic oscillator functions and was diagonalised to give
the vibrational energy levels. This approach for H 2 O
HF gave values of
φ min and the PE barrier height in good agreement with those of the exper-
imentally determined function. Thus we can have some confidence in the
results obtained when the same procedure was applied to H 2 O
HCl [114]
and H 2 O
and the energy levels are
displayed in Fig. 3. The equilibrium values of the angle
ClF [34]; the plots of V (
are 45.7
ClF, respectively, and the two equivalent
minima are separated by PE barriers of V 0 =80 and 174 cm -1 , respectively.
These values are similar to the experimental results 46(8)
for H 2 O
HCl and H 2 O
and 126(70) cm -1
Fig. 3 The potential energy V (
), expressed as a wavenumber, as a function of the angle
for a H 2 O
ClF. These have been obtained using ab initio calculations,
by the method discussed in the text. The same approach reproduces the experimen-
tal function of H 2 O
HCl and b H 2 O
HF (Fig. 2) very well. Several vibrational energy levels associated
with the motion in
=0 is low
enough that both molecules are effectively planar in the zero-point state, even though the
molecules are pyramidal at equilibrium. See Fig. 1 for key to the colour coding of atoms
are also shown. As for H 2 O
HF, the PE barrier at
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