Chemistry Reference
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thus following neither purely the trends in XY dipole moments nor in XY po-
larizabilities. Overall, the interaction energies follow the order F 2 ,Cl 2 ,Br 2 ,
BrCl, ClF, and BrF. The calculated dipole moments and the dipole moment
enhancements relative to the sum of monomer dipole moments, displayed in
Table 8, show a somewhat different trend.
increases in the order F 2 ,Cl 2 ,
ClF, Br 2 , BrCl, and BrF and varies from about 0.4 DinF 2 ···
NH 3 to about 3.6 D
in BrF
NH 3 . These quantities are probably also a more reliable guideline
to the relative importance of charge transfer than the notoriously basis set
dependent atomic charges.
Finally, MP2 and DFT calculated intramolecular X-Y stretching frequen-
cies, their red shifts relative to the monomers, and the intermolecular Y
stretching frequencies are collected in Table 9, together with the correspond-
ing infrared intensities. Although there are no experimental gas-phase data
available, the predictions can be considered as reliable. The MP2 calcu-
latedredshiftsoftheX-Ystretchingmodeareintherangeof-37 cm -1
for Br 2 ···
NH 3 to - 174 cm -1
NH 3 . Their infrared intensities are
quite large. Comparable intensities are also predicted for the intermolecular
stretching vibrations.
for ClF
Table 9
N stretching frequencies, frequency shifts,
and infrared intensities of the XY ··· NH 3 complexes as obtained with different methods
applying the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set a
Calculated harmonic X-Y and X
F 2
ν F-F
932 (10)
631 (328)
1109 (48)
ν F-F
- 106
- 419
- 49
ν F-N
96 (2)
191 (132)
89 (2)
ν Cl-F
626 (232)
607 (249)
711 (241)
[26, 28]
ν Cl - F
- 174
- 180
- 144
ν Cl-N
237 (104)
253 (66)
206 (57)
Cl 2
ν Cl-Cl
505 (45)
435 (90)
525 (42)
ν Cl-Cl
ν Cl-N
138 (34)
164 (57)
130 (23)
ν Br-F
598 (133)
554 (164)
618 (181)
ν Br-F
- 95
- 122
- 110
ν Br-N
247 (58)
258 (52)
237 (58)
ν Br-Cl
393 (48)
359 (56)
405 (52)
ν Br-Cl
ν Br-N
186 (87)
195 (70)
164 (57)
Br 2
ν Br-Br
294 (23)
266 (29)
301 (23)
ν Br-Br
ν Br-N
168 (76)
174 (65)
145 (47)
a Frequencies and shifts relative to the XY monomers in cm -1 , infrared intensities in
mol in parentheses
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