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Scheme 6 Mono- or E -dihalo TTFs
Scheme 7 Examples of ortho -diiodo TTFs and selenium analogues used in cation radical
Considering the eventual presence of halogen bonding interactions in the
X-ray crystal structures of these neutral molecules, one observes different
behaviours depending on the substitution pattern and number of halogen
atoms on the TTF core. Monohalo TTFs often exhibit a Me/halogen disorder
indicative of the absence of any strong directional halogen bonding inter-
action. Among dihalo TTFs, the E -TTFI 2 [54] and E -TTFPh 2 I 2 [55] exhibit
intermolecular I
I interactions. They are characterized by relatively short
I intermolecular distances (4.12(2) A )andatypeImotif(
2 = 120 )
1 =
in E -TTFPh 2 I 2 ,whilemuchshorterI
I distances with type II motifs (I
3.676(3) A ,
and 3.817(3) A ,
θ 1 = 88.7(6) ,
θ 2 = 175.9(5)
θ 1 = 87.7(5) ,
θ 2 =
175.9(6) ) are found in E -TTFI 2 . Note that the evaluation of “short” Hal
intermolecular distances is based here and in the following on the polar flat-
tening model [56], which attributes to each halide an r min and r max rather
than one single van der Waals radius. In this anisotropic model, the contact
distance ( D anis in Table 1) for a type I interaction C - X
Y corresponds to
the sum ( r max (X) + r max (Y), while the contact distance for a type II interac-
tion corresponds to r min (X) + r max (Y) (Scheme 8). Representative values are
collected in Table 1 for comparison with experimental data. Halogen bond-
ing will be considered as relevant when the X
Y distance is shorter than
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