Chemistry Reference
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The LANL2DZ basis set was augmented by a set of six d polarization func-
tions as successfully used by Bopp [169] and others. Complex geometries
were optimized and the effects of the acetonitrile solvent were modeled using
the polarized continuum model of Tomasi and coworkers [176, 177]. The na-
ture of the halogen bond was described using NBO analysis. The authors
found a rough correlation between the electron donor HOMO and the V OC .
The higher the HOMO, and thus the smaller the energy difference between
that orbital and the I 2 LUMO, the higher the V OC . Likewise, decreasing
G of
complex formation (increasing halogen bond strength) also correlated with
V OC .
Valdes and Sordo have studied the interaction of PH 3 and NH 3 with BrCl
using either all-electron or effective core potential (ECP) MP2 methods, and
several different basis sets [178]. They found that ECPs could give results
nearly equivalent to their all-electron counterparts. PH 3 was found to form
weaker halogen bonds than NH 3 .
Sulfur and Selenium Electron Donors
The interaction of dihalogens, particularly diiodine, with sulfur and selen-
ium electron donors has been an area of increasing interest over the past
decade because of potential biological, pharmaceutical, and electronic mate-
rials applications [35, 179]. Devillanova and coworkers have recently reviewed
the solution behavior of a large number of chalcogenides and I 2 ,partic-
ularly thiones, selones, sulfides, and selenides [180]. Correlations between
computational methods, thermodynamic parameters, and spectroscopic data
(UV/Vis, 13 C NMR, Raman, UPS) were discussed.
The interaction of chalcogenides and dihalogens can lead to a large variety
of complexes and salts. The initial interaction in both the gas phase [15] and
in solution [180] seems to be the formation of a halogen bonded structure.
The available literature shows that Se electron donors bind I 2 more strongly
than do S electron donors, and that thiones and selones bind more strongly
than the corresponding sulfides and selenides. The electron donor ability of S
or Se depends greatly on the environment, and the formation constants vary
widely. For compounds containing the framework R - C( = X)-R (X=S, Se),
the K values decrease according to the following sequence of R: NR
Bouab, Yanez, and coworkers have noted that thiocarbonyl electron
donors can form two distinctly different charge-transfer complexes in so-
lution [181]. Calculations at the HF/LANL2DZ and MP2(full)/LANL2DZ //
LANL2DZ levels indicate that a charge-transfer band in the 300-nm region
results when the halogen bond lies in the plane of the C=Sgroup,while
abandat350 nm results when the bond is perpendicular to that plane ( 4 and
5 , respectively). The halogen bond in both types of complexes is primarily
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