Graphics Programs Reference
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To 2nd for specific element spacing or Move To Last for consistent overall length with
varied element spacing.
Use other editing tools. Beyond the basic editing tools are more advanced commands to
help you consistently and intelligently populate a building model with content.
Master It How do you copy model elements in the same location for a multistory building?
Solution Select the required elements and copy them to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C). From
the Clipboard panel in the Modify tab, select Paste Aligned To Selected Levels, and
then choose the levels to which you'd like to paste the copied content.
Create site context for your project. The site tools allow you to create context for your
building models, including topographic surfaces, graded regions, and property lines.
Master It Describe the different methods used to create a topographic surface.
Solution A topographic surface can be created by placing points at specific elevations
relative to internal project coordinates, by using an imported 3D CAD file from a civil
engineering software program, or by using a text file that contains the x-, y-, and
z-coordinates of a field of points.
Chapter 4: Configuring Templates and Standards
Define settings for graphic quality and consistency. The fundamental building blocks for
any template are the customized settings to object styles, line styles, fill patterns, materials,
and more.
Master It How can a complex custom-fill pattern be imported?
Solution Use a text-editing application to create a custom pattern or copy a pattern
from another application. Be sure to add lines to the pattern definition that describe
the units and pattern type. In the New Pattern dialog box, choose Custom and click the
Import button to select your custom pattern file. Adjust the pattern as necessary for
the desired result.
Organize views for maximum efficiency. The project template can be used to capture a
framework supporting your visual and organizational standards.
Master It How can you customize the Project Browser to support your business needs?
Solution Filtering folders based on view types and documentation helps the entire
team quickly find what they're looking for in a project. Your project template can also ex-
clude views that are not needed based on a specific task. For example, if you're in design
development, you can exclude previous views and sheets that were part of a previous
schematic design stage.
Create custom annotation families. Developing a graphic style to match your standards
will usually require you to edit some annotation families or create them from scratch.
Master It Can a single label display more than one parameter? How are custom view
tags loaded into a project?
Solution A single label can show more than one parameter—and even custom param-
eters. Just remember to place the label with the Label tool (not adjacent to the Text tool).
Assign the label to report the desired parameters.
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