Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13.12
Customized edge
applied to a floor assem-
bly in early design
Let's run through a short exercise so you can practice this skill:
1. Open the ile c13-Design-Floor.rvt from the topic's companion website and activate
the view Section 1.
2. Select the floor at Level 1 and open the Properties palette. Change the type to Design
Floor Sandwich.
3. Begin a new in-place component by going to the Architecture tab and selecting
Component Model In-Place from the Build panel.
4. Set the Family Category to Floors and specify the name as Floor Edge-L1 .
You are now in Family Editing mode and the ribbon will have different tabs and panels.
5. Click the Create tab and select Void Forms Void Sweep from the Forms panel.
6. Click the Pick Path tool from the Sweep panel and choose all four top edges at the perim-
eter of the floor at Level 1.
You can activate the 3D view Floors Only to complete the picking of all four edges, as
shown in Figure 13.13.
Figure 13.13
pick edges of the void
sweep in a 3d view.
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