Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Note. Data on organic livestock: DE, CY, LU, MT no data available; PT all data 2005 [19]
Source: Eurostat (f o od_in_porg3, apro_mt_lscatl, apro_mt_lspig, apro_mt_lssheep)
Figure 22. Organic livestock (number of heads) out of all livestock in European Union, 2008
6. Processing of organic products
Processing is a very important activity in each sector of economy. It can be as an indicator of
viability and development of economy. In organic agriculture firstly it shows enough high
quantity of producers that produce at least minimal critical level of primary production.
Development of organic processing enterprises and activities by its number dynamics in
Lithuania is presented in figure 23. The activities of organic processing enterprises in 2013 were
concentrated in grain investment, storage and trading (19 activities), processing (draying, tea
production) of medicinal and potherbs (14 activities), wholesale (14 activities), manufacture
of grain products (12 activities), milk procurement and processing (7 activities). Some organic
processing enterprises entered market in vegetable (6 activities), fruit, berries and mushrooms
(6 activities) buying and processing, public catering (4 activities), seed packing and marketing
(3 activities), animal slotering and meat products processing (3 activities), fish processing (3
activities) and alimentary oil production (2 activities). One at a time activity of Lithuanian
organic processing enterprises was in dumpling, spice, chocolate products, tomato sauce and
mayonnaise production and infant nourishment.
Activities within the organic sector include the food chain from production at farm level right
through to industrial processing. Imports, exports and other activities, such as wholesale and
retail trade, are also included. The production of organic crops and the rearing of organic
animals are the main activities in the organic sector at farm level, but the processing of goods
is also important. Producers accounted for over 50% of all operators in 2008 in all the Member
States and Norway, and even exceeded 70% in most countries. Importers accounted for less
than 2% of the total in most of the Member States (Figure 24) [19].
First certificate of organic product importers to Lithuania from the third-countries was
issued in 2013. At the end of the year 2013 there were already certified 4 importers organic
operators that imported cranberries from Belorussia and the Ukraine, coconut oil from Sri
Lanka and etc.
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