Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Actual water level
Simulation water level
julian date
Fig. 6.4 Comparison between the actual and model of the water level from May to December
2003 (Badrghasemi 2002 )
In late June and early July 2003, weather conditions relating to May and early
June were hot.
The water temperature at the inlet increased up to 28.5
C from July to August.
The increase of TDS in the inlet to 1,033 mg/l in August caused an increase in the
TDS gradient in Termocline in the same month. At the end of September, the depth
of Epilimnion gradually increased because the weather was cold. Thus, the strati-
s depth. In addition,
because of the decrease of the water temperature and consequently the increase of
inlet water density, the newly inlet water
fication of the reservoir was changed to be homogeneous in it
flow will penetrate the lower layers of water
relating to last month and the temperature increased to 21
in November. In addition,
the TDS in inlet water decreased to 770 mg/l. At this time the surface water tem-
perature will be 26 ° C and the amount of TDS was 500 mg/l. In December, because
of the decrease in air temperature, the inlet water density was increased and thus, the
water tends to move to the deepest layers of the reservoir and the Hipolimnion layer
direction. During this period, the water temperature was 14
In January a further reduction in air temperature and the increased sun shine
leads to an increase of the Epilimnion layer. At the end of January, the thickness of
upper and bottom layers increases and the Termocline layer is broken. In February,
the amount of TDS in the surface layers is a little bit more than in the bottom layers.
On this month, the changes in TDS density in the lower layers of the reservoir,
which the input water tends to move, depend on the TDS of the input water.
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