Java Reference
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Here, the integer i is given the value of 10 . When the while loop is first encountered, the condi-
tional expression i > 0 is evaluated: 10 is greater than 0, so the expression is true . The program
outputs "10" to the console, then returns to the start of the while loop again. The conditional
expression i > 0 is evaluated again, but i is still equal to 10 and 10 is greater than 0 so the expres-
sion is still true . Again, you'll see an output of "10" to the console. This will continue indefinitely,
creating an infinite loop. To prevent this, you can add a statement inside the while loop to alter the
value of the variable i .
int i = 10;
while (i > 0){
i = i - 1;
This time, the conditional expression 10 > 0 is still true when the while loop is first encountered.
During the first iteration, the output "10" will be printed to the console, then int i will be reas-
signed the value i -1 or 9. The conditional expression will be evaluated again to true , so the loop
will be repeated. Now 9 will be output to the console and int i will be reassigned the value 8. This
will continue until i = 0 , when the expression will evaluate to false .
It's possible that your conditional expression is not a variable at all. You will see some classic
examples of while loops in Chapter 7 when dealing with inputs and outputs. For now, it's enough
to understand that the Scanner class has two methods, hasNextLine() and nextLine() , that can
be used when scanning files, to determine if a file still has more lines to be scanned, and to actually
scan the next line, respectively.
int lines = 0;
while (myScanner.hasNextLine()){
This code might look like it will count the number of lines in the file being scanned by myScan-
ner . However, this will actually create an infinite loop like the first while loop you saw. That's
because the program never moves past the first line of the file. When the loop is first encoun-
tered, assuming the file has at least one line in it, the conditional expression hasNextLine() will
evaluate to true . The variable lines will be reassigned the value 0+1 or 1 and the conditional
expression will remain true . In order to ensure that the loop will end and the correct number
of lines will be counted, you have to progress through the lines of the file using the nextLine()
int lines = 0;
while (myScanner.hasNextLine()){
myScanner.nextLine(); //scan the next line
In this way, in each iteration of the while loop, the scanner will scan another line of the file until the
end of the file is reached. Then, the conditional expression hasNextLine() will evaluate to false
and the program will not enter the loop again.
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