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step to do inside the outer for loop; this “resets” the value to zero each time you change employee
by incrementing the outer for loop. If you initialize this variable outside of the for loops, like the
wage variable, it will continue adding all the employees' hours together.
Then the inner for loop begins. One important difference here is the termination condition.
In the outer for loop, you stop when the iterator exceeds the length of the hoursWorked array,
that is, the number of elements or number of employees, which is 3. In the inner for loop, you
stop when the iterator exceeds the length of the first element of the hoursWorked array, that is
the number of elements in the array, which is the first element or the number of days in the week
(which is 5).
Inside the inner for loop, you simply add each day's hours to the total weeklyHours for the current
employee. After the five iterations for each day of the week, you exit the inner for loop.
Now, you are still inside the outer for loop, but have calculated the hours from the inner for loop.
The weeklyHours value is printed as well as the wage . Since that was a println command, the next
print statement will begin on a new line. The weekly pay is calculated by multiplying the hours by
the wage and this is printed on a new line. This concludes the outer loop, so the program will incre-
ment the value of x by 1 and return to the start of the outer loop. After three iterations, one for each
employee, this part of the program will be done. If you put all of this inside the main method of a
class, it is executable.
creating while loops
A while loop is an alternative loop structure that's based on meeting a certain condition, rather
than iterating a set number of times. The standard syntax of a while loop is as follows:
while (/*conditional expression*/) {
/*execute these statements*/
Remember the difference between a for loop and an enhanced for loop: the for loop iterator is ini-
tialized in the loop expression, but in an enhanced for loop, an array must be declared somewhere
prior to entering the for loop. A while loop is similar to the enhanced for loop in this way. You
will need to initialize some variable before the while loop that will be evaluated as part of the con-
ditional expression.
When the execution of a program reaches a while loop, it will first check to see if the conditional
expression evaluates to true . If so, it will enter the loop and execute the statements inside the loop.
When the end of loop is reached, it will return to the conditional expression and check if it still
evaluates to true . If so, the loop will be repeated. It should be clear, then, that evaluation of the
conditional statement should change at some point during the looping process. Otherwise, the loop
iterations will never end. Consider the following code example:
int i = 10;
while (i > 0){
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