Database Reference
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The most interesting concrete syntax is an interpretation of the abstract
0 , any unary operation ' a i . _' by the unary
syntax, where ' nil ' is interpreted by
database operation a i
_ and the binary operation '_
_' by the DB coproduct _
n by the corresponding DB n -ary coproducts,
(and other finitary n -ary operations
n ). Thus:
denoted by
Definition 53
T P syntax is defined by
the following algebra isomorphism (which is identity for elements in Act ):
T : T P X, Act, nil,
The concrete interpretation of the abstract
} a i Act ,
n n 2
T P X, Act,
a i . _
} a i Act , +
n n 2
0 ,
a i
between the abstract algebra and its concrete DB-interpretation.
This concrete DB-syntax will be denoted by T P , so that for any X there is a bi-
jection between the set of abstract and these concrete terms,
T P (X) ,
T : T P (X)
0 ,
such that
T (nil)
T (a i .t)
a i
T (t)) and
T (t 1
t 2 )
T (t 1 ))
n ', n
T (t 2 )) (and analogously for all derived finitary operators '
In the case of the database-mapping DB-denotational semantics where Z
Ob DB , given by Definition 52 , with this concrete interpretation of the operators
in Definition 53 , the mapping h
Z represents the composition of objects
in DB as ground terms of the grammar ( G r DB ) in Definition 52 . In this case, each
path a 1 a 2 ⊗···⊗ a n of a given process p X (which is an tree) is just the inter-
section of all information fluxes of the corresponding composition of arrows in DB ,
f n ◦···◦
B , where A is the root state (a database) of this process and
B is its final state (a database): thus, the meaning of each path of such a process is
represented by the information transferred from the initial state A into the final state
B of this process-path.
Note that, when the Σ P -algebra h
f 2
f 1 :
Σ P (Z)
Z is the denotational semantics
for the initial (free) syntax algebra
Ob DB as well),
then f : X Z is an assignment function which assigns to process variables in
X the database-instances in Ob DB , and f # : T P X
T P X (when Z
Ob DB ( Act
Z is its unique homomorphic
extension to all terms with variables, called initial algebra semantics [ 17 ].
In what follows, we will investigate which assignment f
Z will be ade-
quate in order to infer the operational behavior of database-mapping programs from
the DB-denotational semantics.
7.3.2 Database-Mapping Processes and DB-Denotational
In order to define the database-mapping processes, for a given database-mapping
program specified by a graph G , when the extension of a particular database schema
is changed (by Insertion, Deletion or Updating (considered as deleting of old up-
dated tuples and then by Insertion of new updated tuples)), we will consider the
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