Database Reference
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Thus, the data federation of two simple databases is isomorphic to the merging
of these two databases. The merging of databases is formally defined in Sect. 8.1.2 .
3.3.2 Data Separation Operator in DB
B =
We have defined the separation-composition of schemas
(S A B A B ) in
Sect. 3.1 as a disjunctive union with elements indexed by schema labels ( A
( A
( B
, respectively), i.e., with S
A B ={
,r i )
r i
S A }∪{
,r j )
r j
S B }
, Σ
A B =
( A
( B
then A =
1 and B =
In what follows, we will express a finite separation-composition by using the
binary operator † and the parenthesis (for example, (
i )
φ i
Σ A }∪{
j )
ψ j
Σ B }
B = A
), so that in DB
we will use such a binary version ‡ of this operator at instance-database level:
Definition 27
The separation-composition of any two instance-databases A
α ( A ) and B = α ( B ) , obtained from the schemas
, is denoted by A B :
A B α (S A B ) = A ,α(r i ) | r i S A B ,α(r j ) | r j S B
= ( A
A ( B
B .
,R i )
R i
,R j )
R j
It corresponds to the instance-database of two separated schemas, i.e., to two
mutually isolated instance-databases with separated database management systems,
so that it is impossible to compute the queries with the relations from both schemas.
For any two morphisms f
C and g
D , we define the morphism
C D as for coproducts.
The separation property for morphisms in DB is represented by the facts that
0 (f
0 (f )
0 (g),
1 (f
1 (f )
1 (g).
Remark For any database A ,the replication of this database (over different DB
servers) can be denoted by the separation-composed object A A in this category
DB . From definition above, for any two databases A and B , A B = B A , that
is, as we intended, the separation-composition for the databases is a commutative
operation. We are able, analogously to Definition 15 , to define any finite separation-
A 1 A 2 (
A n )...
n (A 1 ,...,A n )
α (
A 1
A n ).
From this definition, we have for any two instance databases A and B , A B
) because the disjoint union introduced above is strictly noncommu-
tative, and in the Set category the objects A
B (if
A = B
A are not equal but only
isomorphic. However, it can be shown that they are isomorphic objects in DB so
that the definition of DB category in Theorem 1 is still valid after this introduction
of the separation-composition:
B and B
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