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Therefore, the design as well as the sign must be studied under 'grammatology.'
1. The design (the designed mark-system) works apart from the intention or
purpose of the designer, from the receiver, and from the context or the situation
where formerly designed. It can function without any original motives or
2. The design can break with every given context, engendering an infinity of new
contexts in a manner that is illimitable. The context always opens to another and
does not close—it cannot be wholly described.
3. The design has the possibilities of iterability. It has logical possibilities to
transform into different functions from the original intention. It can function in
another way, and any attempt to normalize it will fail because of the openness of
the field. Designing is to sign or mark that which has an iterable structure.
Originality can and does coexist with repeatability as iterability.
4. The design has power to produce or transform a context and to force us to read,
act, communicate, or use. Conversely,
the design is the reification of
5. As a secondary effect, the design has a force to build a social relationship or
communication in which we have responsibility. However, because of an
iterable structure, the social communication does not reveal itself; rather, reveals
only one facet of the design. The design should not conceal iterable function.
Aristotle (1931) On the Soul (translated by John Alexander). MIT Internet Classics Archive
Austin JL (1962, 1975) How to do things with words. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Derrida J (1967a) L' ´ criture et la diff ´ rence, ´ ditions du seuil, Point, pp 410-411 (Writing and
difference, translated, with an introduction and additional notes, by Alan B, Routledge, Kegan
Paul, Ltd., London/New York)
Derrida J (1967b) De la Grammatologie, Les ´ ditions de Minuit (Of Grammatology, translated
with an preface by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivack)
Derrida J (1988) Signature event context [Signature ´ v ´ nement context] p 20. In: Limited Inc.
(trans: Samuel W, Jeffrey M) Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL. Derrida J, Limited
Inc, Galil ´ e, 1990, (Derrida 1990). This article also in Derrida J (1972) Marges de la
philosophie, Les ´ ditions de minuit. Margins of Phhilosophy, translated by Alan Bass, The
Harvest Press, 1982. 'Signature Event Context', the first English translation by Samuel Weber
and Jeffrey Mehlman, appeared in volume 1 of the serial publication Glyph I in 1977
Genette G (1982) The prefixes 'inter-', 'meta-', and 'para-' are borrowed from text theory,
especially, Palimpsestes. La Litt´rature au second degr´ (The Literature of second degree),
´ ditions du Seuil
Hegel GWF (1986) Ph¨nomenoligie des Geistet 1807. Suhrkamp, Phenomenology of Spirit
(translate by Miller AV, Oxford University Press, 1976)
Hegel GWH (1970) Vorlesung ¨ber Aesthetik, 1835-1838, Suhrkamp, Aesthetics, lectures on fine
art (translated by T.M.Knox, Clarendon, 1975)
Husserl E (1984) Logische Untersuchungen [Logical Investigations,] Zweiter Band:
Untersuchungen zur Ph¨nomenologie und Theorie der Erkenntnis. Hrsg. von Ursula Panzer.
Husserliana, XIX, Nijhoff, 1984
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