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Kant I (1790) Kritik der Urteilskraft, section 44. Critique of judgment. English edition: Kant I
(1914) Introduction and notes (trans: Bernard JH). Macmillan, London
Kennichi S (2004) Introduction to aesthetics, Tyuokouronshinsha
Lyotar J-F (1979) La condition postmoderne, ´ dition du Minuit. English edition: Lyotar J-F
(1984) The postmodern condition (trans: Bennington G, Massumi B (1984). Manchester
University Press
Merleau-Ponty M (1961) L'Œil et l'esprit, Gallimard, p 72. English edition: Merleau-Ponty M
(1964) Eye and mind (trans: Carleton D, Eye and mind. In: James E (ed) The primacy of
perception) Northwestern University Press, Evanston
Nietzche F (1906) Wille zur Macht (The will to power), Taschen-Ausgabe, Band IX, Naumann
Verlag Leipzig
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