Database Reference
In-Depth Information
◦ Click on the Close & Load button on the Home tab and select Close &
Load to save your query.
◦ The filter is saved in the query. Merges with this query will provide only
English display names.
◦ The same principle of filtering data before defining data merges can be
used for any System Center data analysis. Think about what you want to
include in your dataset. This can be a specific language to monitor in-
formation or data from WAP.
2. Merging queries is similar to SQL joins, and it adds additional data to your query.
For example, to get the friendly name of the Impact column data, right-click on
the workbook query (the duplicate of the IncidentDimvw query; you may have
renamed this to MyIncidentsQuery ), and select Edit .
3. In the query editor on the Home tab, click on Merge Queries , as shown in the
following screenshot:
4. On the Merge page, select the column that you want to initiate the merge on. In
this example, the impact of the incident is selected.
5. Select the query you want to merge with in the lower pane. The Dis-
playStringDimvw query is selected in this example, and we will use Ele-
mentName as the common column to provide the merge-matching feature:
◦ Merging queries requires that you have matching rows. The selection that
is made on the Merge page is validated, and the validation result is dis-
played on the left-hand side at the bottom of the page.
◦ The details required to get specific data can be found in the data model
documentation of the System Center product you are querying, as shown
in the following screenshot:
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