Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
def initialize ( name , object_pool)
super ( nil )
@object_pool = object_pool
@name = name
@last_update = Gosu . milliseconds
# ...
def draw (viewport)
@motion . draw(viewport)
@gun . draw(viewport)
@name_image ||= Gosu :: Image . from_text(
$window , @name , Gosu . default_font_name, 20 )
@name_image . draw(
x - @name_image . width / 2 - 1 ,
y + object . graphics . height / 2 , 100 ,
1 , 1 , Gosu :: Color :: WHITE )
@name_image . draw(
x - @name_image . width / 2 ,
y + object . graphics . height / 2 , 100 ,
1 , 1 , NAME_COLOR )
# ...
We can see that generic Input class can be easily extracted, but let's follow the Rule of
three and not do premature refactoring.
Instead, run the game and enjoy dying from a bunch of mad clowns.
Identity makes a difference
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