Game Development Reference
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# ...
It's probably not the most elegant solution you could come up with, but can_move_to?
temporarily changes Tank location to make a collision test, and then reverts old
coordinates just before returning the result. Now our tanks stop with banging sound when
they hit each other.
Tanks colliding
Catching Bullets
Right now bullets fly right through our tanks, and we want them to collide. It's a pretty
simple change, which mostly affects BulletPhysics class:
# 06-physics/entities/components/bullet_physics.rb
class BulletPhysics < Component
# ...
def update
# ...
object . explode if arrived?
# ...
def check_hit
@object_pool . nearby(object, 50 ) . each do | obj |
nextif obj == object . source # Don't hit source tank
if Utils . point_in_poly(x, y, * obj . box)
object . target_x = x
object . target_y = y
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