Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
33 cam_x = @camera . x
34 cam_y = @camera . y
35 off_x = $window . width / 2 - cam_x
36 off_y = $window . height / 2 - cam_y
37 viewport = @camera . viewport
38 $window . translate(off_x, off_y) do
39 zoom = @camera . zoom
40 $window . scale(zoom, zoom, cam_x, cam_y) do
41 @map . draw(viewport)
42 @object_pool . objects . map { | o | o . draw(viewport) }
43 end
44 end
45 @camera . draw_crosshair
46 end
48 def button_down ( id )
49 if id == Gosu :: KbQ
50 leave
51 $window . close
52 end
53 if id == Gosu :: KbEscape
54 GameState . switch( MenuState . instance)
55 end
56 end
60 def update_caption
61 now = Gosu . milliseconds
62 if now - ( @caption_updated_at || 0 ) > 1000
63 $window . caption = 'Tanks Prototype. ' <<
64 "[FPS: #{ Gosu . fps } . " <<
65 "Tank @ #{ @tank . x . round } : #{ @tank . y . round } ]"
66 @caption_updated_at = now
67 end
68 end
69 end
Implementation of PlayState is now also a little simpler. It doesn't update @tank
or @bullets individually anymore. Instead, it uses ObjectPool and does all object
operations in bulk.
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