Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Prophet Mohammed establishes Islam. He soon invites the people of Mecca to adopt the new religion
under the command of God, and his call is met with eager response.
The Chola empire emerges anew in South India, establishing itself as a formidable economic and
military presence in Asia under Rajaraja Chola I and his son Rajendra Chola I.
12th-19th centuries
Africans are brought to the Konkan coast as part of trade with the Persian Gulf; the slaves become
servants, dock workers and soldiers, and are known as Siddis or Habshis.
13th century
The Pandyas, a Tamil dynasty dating to the 6th century BC, assumes control of Chola territory, ex-
panding into Andhra Pradesh, Kalinga (Odisha) and Sri Lanka from their capital in Madurai.
Foundation of the mighty Vijayanagar empire, named after its capital city, the ruins of which can be
seen today in the vicinity of Hampi (in modern-day Karnataka).
Bahmani sultanate is established in the Deccan following a revolt against the Tughlaqs of Delhi. The
capital is set up at Gulbarga, in today's northern Karnataka, later shifting to Bidar.
Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh faith, which has millions of followers within and beyond India to
the present day, is born in a village near Lahore (in modern-day Pakistan).
Bahmani sultanate begins to break up following independence movements; Berar is the first to revolt.
By 1518 there are five Deccan sultanates: Berar, Ahmadnagar, Bidar, Bijapur and Golconda.
Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese voyager, discovers the sea route from Europe to India. He arrives in
(present-day) Kerala and engages in trade with the local nobility.
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