Travel Reference
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The life of Mahavir, the 24th and last tirthankar (enlightened teacher) who established Jainism. Like
Buddha, he preaches compassion and a path to enlightenment for all castes.
563-483 BC
The life of Siddhartha Gautama. The prince is born in modern-day Nepal and attains enlightenment
beneath the Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya (Bihar), thereby transforming into Buddha (Awakened One).
326 BC
Alexander the Great invades India. He defeats King Porus in Punjab to enter the subcontinent, but a
rebellion within his army keeps him from advancing beyond Himachal Pradesh's Beas River.
321-185 BC
Rule of the Maurya kings. Founded by Chandragupta Maurya, this pan-Indian empire is ruled from
Pataliputra (present-day Patna) and briefly adopts Buddhism during the reign of Emperor Ashoka.
c 235 BC
Start of Chola reign. The Tamil dynasty, known for the power and territory it accreted in the 9th to
13th centuries, ruled in India's south for more than 1500 years.
3rd century BC
The Satavahana empire, of Andhran origin, rules over a huge central Indian area. Their interest in art
and maritime trade combines to influence artistic development regionally and in Southeast Asia.
1st century AD
International trade booms: the region's elaborate overland trade networks connect with ports linked
to maritime routes. Trade to Africa, the Gulf, Socotra, Southeast Asia, China and even Rome thrives.
AD 52
Possible arrival of St Thomas the Apostle on the coast of Kerala. Christianity thought to have been
introduced to India with his preaching in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
The golden era of the Gupta dynasty, the second of India's great empires after the Mauryas. This era
is marked by a creative surge in literature and the arts.
4th-9th centuries
The Pallavas enter the shifting landscape of southern power centres, eventually establishing domin-
ance in Andhra Pradesh and northern Tamil Nadu from their base in Kanchipuram.
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