Database Reference
In-Depth Information
oozieops.log : This file records all administrative tasks and operations messages for Oozie.
It is present in the C:\apps\dist\oozie-\oozie-win-distro\logs
ooizeinstrumentation.lo g : This file records Oozie instrumentation data and is refreshed
every 60 seconds. It is present in the C:\apps\dist\oozie-\oozie-win-
distro\logs directory.
pig_<Random_Number>.log : This file logs the results of Pig job executions from the Grunt
shell. It is found in the C:\apps\dist\hadoop-\logs folder.
Collectively, all these different types of log files will help you figure out issues in the event of a failure during
service startup, job submission, or job execution.
Windows ODBC Tracing
One of the most common ways to consume HDInsight data is through Hive and the ODBC layer it exposes. The
Windows operating system has built-in capabilities to trace all the ODBC driver API calls and their return values.
Often, when client applications like Excel, Integration Services, and others fail to connect to HDInsight using the
ODBC driver, the driver logging mechanism comes in handy.
Third-party ODBC drivers might not have built-in logging capability, for example the Microsoft Hive ODBC
driver that is developed through partnership with Simba. In such scenarios you can use the standard ODBC logging
mechanism from ODBC Data Source Administrator. The only difference here is that the standard mechanism is
system-wide ODBC tracing for all ODBC drivers that are installed on your system as opposed to only the Hive ODBC
enabling system-wide tracing from oDBC Data source administrator can significantly reduce performance of
applications relying on oDBC function calls.
To enable system-wide ODBC tracing, launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator from Control Panel or click on
Start Run odbcad32.exe . Navigate to the Tracing tab, and click on Start Tracing Now as shown in Figure 11-6 .
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