Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11-5. The userlogs folder
There are a few other log files that use the log4j framework. These log other cluster operations, specifically job
executions. They are classified based on their respective project. For example:
hadoop.log : This file records only the MapReduce job execution output. Since it's the
data nodes that actually carry out individual Map and Reduce tasks, this file is normally
populated in the data nodes. It is found in the C:\apps\dist\hadoop-\
logs directory.
templeton.log : This file logs the execution statistics of the jobs that are submitted using
the Hadoop streaming interface. Job submissions using .NET SDK and PowerShell fall into
this category. The log is available in the C:\apps\dist\hcatalog-\logs
hive.log : Found in the C:\apps\dist\hive-\logs folder, this file
records the output of all Hive job submissions. It is useful when a Hive job submission fails
before even reaching the MapReduce phase.
oozie.log : Oozie web services streaming operations are logged to this file. It is present in
the C:\apps\dist\oozie-\oozie-win-distro\logs directory.
ooziejpa.log : Reports oozie database persistence level log messages. It is present in the
C:\apps\dist\oozie-\oozie-win-distro\logs directory.
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