Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Prevention is the key to staying healthy while abroad. Travelers who follow common-sense
precautions usually come down with nothing more than a little diarrhea.
» Most vaccines don't provide immunity until at least two weeks after they're given; visit a
doctor four to eight weeks before departure.
» Pack medications in their original, clearly labeled containers. If carrying syringes or
needles, be sure to have a physician's letter documenting their medical necessity.
» If your health insurance doesn't cover you for medical expenses abroad, get extra travel
insurance. Find out if your insurer reimburses you or the provider directly.
» If you are concerned about potential life-threatening medical problems while you are on
the road, be sure that your insurance covers medical evacuations. You can find a list of
evacuation and insurance companies on the website of the US State Department ( ht-
tp:// ).
» The only required vaccine for Peru is yellow fever, and that's only if you are arriving
from a country in Africa or the Americas where yellow fever occurs. It is strongly recom-
mended, however, that anyone traveling to the Amazon be inoculated for the disease.
» It is strongly recommended that all travelers should also be covered and vaccinated for
chicken pox, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, measles, rabies, tetanus and typhoid. Consult with
your doctor and make sure children are up to date with routine vaccinations as well.
» For further information, see Lonely Planet's Healthy Travel Central & South America . If
you're traveling with children, Lonely Planet's Travel with Children may also be useful.
In general, regional capitals and popular tourist areas such as Lima and Cuzco have at least
one good clinic or hospital that can handle emergency care and other medical problems.
However, access to care becomes more problematic in remote areas. For life-threatening
procedures, it is best to travel to Lima.
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