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Selling Advertisements
Selling advertisements is another way blogs with a regular readership can make money on-
line. Although there are bloggers who have managed to strike some very lucrative deals with
independent companies for advertising space on their blog, I generally find that this is not as
lucrative as placing affiliate advertisements in that same space.
Even so, if you are interested in exploring this option, it is not that difficult to do. Contact
companies in your same niche that might be interested in advertising on your website, and
let them know that you are selling space on your blog. If they are interested, they'll gener-
ally want to know how much traffic your blog is getting, where their advertisement(s) would
go, and how much it would cost per month / year / etc. If you find that what they're willing
to pay is more than you've been making from putting Google Adsense or affiliate links /
banners in that same spot of your blog, then go with the deal.
However, there is one final option you'll want to try before going that route.
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