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The Structure of a $1,000 per Month Passive Income Website
To understand the proper structuring of a $1,000 per month passive income website, you
need to understand how Google ranks their websites.
Anyone who has ever heard of Google has probably heard of their "top-secret" algorithm
that they use to sort their search results. Well the truth is that the foundation of that "top-
secret" algorithm isn't very much of a secret at all (Want to know how everyone knows?
Through Google search haha!).
The heart of Google's entire search engine algorithm is links. The more links a website has
pointing to it from other websites, the more powerful and authoritative it is in Google's eyes.
That's it...that is what it all boils down to. Sure, there are lots of other factors that make
Google's results extra accurate and relevant (and a lot of those are still secret), but the num-
ber of backlinks to a website are the factor given the most weight.
So why does Google keep claiming that their search algorithm is much more complex than
it actually is? Well, one of the main reasons is that it is in Google's best interest to keep their
search engine inner-workings mysterious. For one, it keeps competing search engines from
using their algorithms (Google is by far the most used search engine because it consistently
gives the most relevant results, and they want to keep it that way). Another main reason is
that Google doesn't want any websites trying to manipulate the system to gain a top ranking
(remember from my earlier email how much more a #1 ranking is worth than a #5 or #10
Google is very against people trying to manipulate their rankings...they would rather all
rankings be natural without anyone trying to artificially inflate their backlinks (this makes
sense because they believe that the best results would be produced by the websites that nat-
urally attract the most links). Unfortunately for Google, backlinks are the best way to judge
a website's legitimacy and people who are in the business of making money online know
this fact very well!
So you have better idea of how it all works, Google ranks each website by assigning it a
number called PageRank. A PageRank can be anywhere between 0 and 10, with 10 being
the highest possible rank. Google uses these numbers to give a rough assessment on how
authoritative a website is, and generally websites with higher PageRank will rank higher in
searches for more keywords.
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