Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Reproduced with permission. Copyright retained by Inderscience Publishers.
Figure 58. Casing containing Aluminum Powder Disintegrates on Impact.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright retained by Inderscience Publishers.
Figure 59. Particles Striking Substrate before Casing.
The chemical composition analysis consisted of analyzing the substrates
before and after impacts. Results for each sample and the nanocrystalline
powders are summarized below in Table 8. From the results of this analysis,
no significant difference is exhibited in the substrates after impacting of the
particles. One possible explanation for this is the relative mass of the substrate
with the impacted particles; in addition to being larger in the planar directions,
the substrates are 0.250 inch thick. This may result in an immeasurable relative
amount of deposited particles; all analyses were performed before polishing
the samples, so particles were not removed prior to the tests.
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