Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5. Sample Numbering
Sample number Particle Substrate
1 fine aluminum
2 coarse aluminum
3 fine steel
4 coarse steel
Reproduced with permission. Copyright retained by Inderscience Publishers.
Table 6. Specification of Microscope with Camera
Item Description Manufacturer Specifications
Microscope Leica DM LM/P
Microscope digital camera Paxcam Model PX-CM
Reproduced with permission. Copyright retained by Inderscience Publishers.
To determine chemical composition of both particles and substrates,
chemical composition was analyzed using the a portable Niton XLt portable
XRF analyzer. Chemical compositions of both particle types were recorded,
and the chemical composition of all substrate samples were recorded both
before impact and after impact to determine whether any changes are
measured after impacting the particles onto the surface. Hardness
measurements were recorded from the four samples before impacting, and
subsequently after impacting the particles. These tests were carried out using a
Buehler Macromet Rockwell hardness tester to determine whether any
measurable change occurred in the direct area of the impact.
In addition to the microscopic images of the particles, images of the
sample were taken at several points. Initial images of each sample were
recorded before any impacts had taken place. Upon performing the impacts,
images were again taken of the same samples. To create a reference point, two
perpendicular lines were scribes into the samples, as shown in Figure 52. The
particles were then impacted onto the samples, and were again examined under
the microscope without any surface preparation. Finally, the samples were
each examined for a third time, after polishing the surface and creating an
additional cross-sectional view by cutting along the center of the impacted
zone. Polishing was carried out to remove particles loosely attached to the
substrate, to look for the presence of embedded particles.
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