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LC −1
LC −1
T −1 ( V )
T −1 ( V )
R 1
R 2
R 1
R 2
T ( U )
Z 2
Z 2
Z 0
Z 0
Fig. C.4
1.( a ) The folding of the ball U
by the map along the critical line LC.( b ) The unfolding action of the inverses of the map
A quadratic map example. Here a
0:3 and b
is the half plane Z 2 D f .x;y/ j y>b g . The line y D b, which separates these two
regions, is LC, that is the locus of points having two merging rank-1 preimages,
located on the line x D 0, that represents LC 1 . Since (C.5) is a continuously
differentiable map, the points of LC 1 necessarily belong to the set of points
at which the Jacobian determinant vanishes, in other words LC 1 J 0 ,where
J 0 D f .x;y/ j det J .x;y/ D 2x D 0 g . In this case LC 1 coincides with J 0 (the
vertical axis x D 0) and the critical curve LC is the image of LC 1 ,thatis
LC D T.LC 1 / D T. f x D 0 g / D f .x;y/ j y D b g .
In order to show the folding action related to the presence of the critical lines,
we consider a plane figure (a circle) U separated by LC 1 into two portions, say
U 1 2 R 1 and U 2 2 R 2 (Fig. C.4a) and we apply the map (C.5) to the points of U .
The image T.U 1 / \ T.U 2 / is a non-empty set included in the region Z kC2 ,which
is the region whose points p 0 have rank-1 preimages p 1 D T 1 .p 0 / 2 U 1 and
p 2 D T 2 .p 0 / 2 U 2 . This means that two points p 1 2 U 1 and p 2 2 U 2 , located
at opposite sides with respect to LC 1 , are mapped in the same side with respect to
LC, in the region Z kC2 . This is also expressed by saying that the ball U is “folded”
by T along LC on the side with more preimages (see Fig. C.4a). The same concept
can be equivalently expressed by stressing the “unfolding” action of T 1 , obtained
by the application of the two distinct inverses in Z kC2 which merge along LC.
Indeed, if we consider a ball V Z kC2 ; then the set of its rank 1 preimages
T 1 .V/ and T 2 .V/ is made up of two balls T 1 .V/ 2 R 1 and T 2 .V/ 2 R 2 .
These balls are disjoint if V \ LC D; (Fig. C.4b).
Many of the considerations made above, for one-dimensional and two-
dimensional noninvertible maps, can be generalized to n-dimensional ones, even
if their visualization becomes more difficult. First of all, from the definition of crit-
ical set it is clear that the relation CS D T.CS 1 / holds in any case. Moreover, the
points of CS 1 where the map is continuously differentiable are necessarily points
where the Jacobian determinant vanishes, so that
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