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aN .N 1 C S /
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
S .2.1 ˇ S / N/
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
A 11 D 1
and A 12 D
The characteristic polynomial of this matrix is the quadratic
.A 11 C ˇ S
C NA 12 / C ˇ S A 11 ;
so the conditions for asymptotic stability are (see Appendix F)
.1 ˇ S /.1 A 11 / NA 12 >0;
.1 C ˇ S /.1 C A 11 / C NA 12 >0;
ˇ S A 11 <1;
which reduce to the conditions,
.1 ˇ S / aN .N 1 C S /
aNˇ S .2.1 ˇ S / N/
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
>0; (4.51)
.1 C ˇ S / 2
aN .N 1 C S /
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
aNˇ S .2.1 ˇ S / N/
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
>0; (4.52)
aNˇ S .N 1 C S /
2.N 1 C ˇ S /
It is obvious that due to the algebraic complexity of these stability conditions
further analytical calculations will become quite involved. Therefore, instead we
give a brief numerical study that will give us a flavor of the results one might expect
to hold in general.
First of all we investigate the effect of the bifurcation that marks the exchange of
the equilibrium E 3 with the equilibrium E 1 occurring at
A.1 ˇ S /.N 1 C ˇ S /
cN 2
L bif
.1/ . This is not a usual
transcritical bifurcation because E 1 and E 3 are fixed points of two different maps,
and the merging occurs along a line of non-differentiability. Indeed, this is a typical
border collision bifurcation, the effect of which is quite difficult to forecast. This is
shown by three different bifurcation diagrams obtained for increasing values of the
capacity limit L across the bifurcation value. The first bifurcation diagram, shown in
Fig. 4.13 is obtained with the set of parameters N D 4, A D 2, c D 0:15, ˇ S D 0:6,
and a D 0:5, with L in the range Œ0:5;2. For this set of parameters the bifurcation
value is L D 1:2 and, as it can be seen in Fig. 4.13, when L crosses the bifurcation
along the boundary that separates the regions
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