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Fig. 3.11 Oligopolies with linear inverse demand function and cost externalities. The case of
duopoly with identical speeds of adjustment. Multiple Nash equilibria in the .;a/ plane. Note
that E S is unique and stable for <3.For>3E S becomes unstable and two stable equilibria
E 1 ;E 2 occur
C 2 D f .p 1 ;p 1 /;.p 2 ;p 2 / g 2 ;
with coordinates
q a 2 . 1/ 2
a. 1/ C 2
p 1 D
q a 2 . 1/ 2
a. 1/ C 2 C
p 2
For the interested reader it should be mentioned that for .;a/ 2 with
a>a h ./, more complicated dynamics might be observed. The proof of this propo-
sition is based on a standard analysis of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix and
is given in detail in Bischi and Kopel (2001).
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