Information Technology Reference
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The lines in the ERB template without an equal sign <% %> are evaluated as scriptlets ; the
expression is evaluated but not rendered in the output file as a string. Then we use the ERB
tag with an equals sign <%= %> to print out a line in the resulting output each time we run
through the conditional logic.
In order to determine that node['network']['interfaces'] was the correct variable
syntax, we inspected the output of ohai , looking for the values that we wanted to display.
In your cookbook, edit index.html.erb as shown in Example 16-3 . We'll use a variant of the
preceding logic that prints out each interface name on the node and its IP address, using more
idiomatic Ruby and some bare-bones HTML.
Example 16-3. chefdk/apache-test/templates/default/index.hmtl.erb
This site was set up by < %= node['hostname'] %>
My network addresses are:
< % node['network']['interfaces'].keys.each do |iface_name| %>
* < %= iface_name %>:
< %= node['network']['interfaces'][iface_name]['addresses'].keys[1] %>
< % end %>
This is admittedly horrible HTML! But it will render readable output, which is our only
goal. Thankfully, this is a book on Chef, not HTML.
Perform a final kitchen converge to ensure there are no syntax errors in your code:
$ kitchen converge
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