Information Technology Reference
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Create an ERB template for the index.html file.
Chef Development Kit:
$ chef generate template index.html
Chef Client:
$ touch templates/default/index.html.erb
Let's do a little something new with the index.html.erb template. In Introducing the Template
Resource we learned that the ERB template processor looks for tags such as <%= %> in .erb
files, evaluates the expression within the tag, and returns a string as output:
This site was set up by <%= node['hostname'] %>
If the tag does not have an equal sign, it is evaluated as a scriptlet instead of a string. Within
Chef templates, this mechanism is used to add conditional logic. For example, take a close
look at this ERB template:
<% for @interface in node['network']['interfaces'].keys %>
* <%= @interface %>
<% end %>
Pay close attention to where <% %> is used and where <%= %> is used.
On my test node, which has three network interfaces— lo , eth0 , and eth1 —the scriptlet
will render the following output:
* lo
* eth0
* eth1
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