Information Technology Reference
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$ knife vault create passwords mysql_root \
--json data_bags/passwords/mysql_root.json --search "*:*" \
--admins "admin" --mode client
You must specify users or nodes that have valid client keys using the --search and --ad-
mins parameters. We have to use both in this example because we didn't set up the admin
user to have a valid client key. If you run knife client list , the admin user isn't present.
When you are using Chef Server, you must use the option --mode client .
The command line options for knife vault are a little different than the options for chef
data_bags . See the comprehensive documentation on knife vault command line options.
The most important takeaway you should get from this example is that chef-vault can en-
crypt data only if Chef Server has valid client keys. This can be hard to configure in a chef-
zero setup. What we've done so far in this section is just enough to get chef-vault working
with chef-zero in order to demo.
So is our data bag encrypted? Let's perform a check using knife data bag show , similar to
what we did in the previous section on encrypted data bags:
$ knife data bag show passwords mysql_root
id: mysql_root
cipher: aes-256-cbc
encrypted_data: K+PZ4zemMt2Hp7FTgTTHxGa1bWez1RqJbYGUNSJIgLDLu8cBlr9Uuu+gL9hT
iv: //KVXQRwdu81zOUXaSAC0Q==
version: 1
Looks encrypted to us!
Run knife vault show as follows to display the decrypted data bag content:
$ knife vault show passwords mysql_root --mode client
id: mysql_root
password: This is a very secure password
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