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We also need to associate a node with our client key, so run the following:
$ knife node create devhost --disable-editing
Now devhost shows up as a node as well. This is what happens when a node is boot-
strapped—a client key is generated and the node is registered with Chef Server. We are just
simulating this process in chef-zero by hand:
$ knife node list
We're going to create a new encrypted data bag for storing root passwords, which will be
managed by chef-vault . Create the directory chef-playground/data_bags/passwords to
store the .json file we will be creating next.
Linux/Mac OS X:
$ mkdir -p data_bags/passwords
> mkdir data_bags\passwords
Create the file shown in Example 13-7 in chef-playground/data_bags/api_keys/mysql.json . It
stores the MySQL database root user password.
Example 13-7. chefdk/chef-playground/data_bags/passwords/mysql_root.json
"id" : "mysql_root" ,
"password" : "This is a very secure password"
chef-vault installs a knife plugin to manage encrypted data bags. It exposes chef-vault
commands via knife vault . Enter in the following command to create an encrypted data
bag item with a secret managed by chef-vault :
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