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Remember that you have the full power of Ruby classes and methods available to you in
your Chef recipes, so don't be afraid to use it. For example, you can use the
::File.basename() method to extract the package name from the URL. The package name
is the last component of the URL after the forward slash (“/”): private-
chef-11.1.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm . Refer to the Ruby core API documentation for more in-
formation on the ::File class:
package_name = :: File . basename ( package_url )
Unfortunately, the package resource does not work with URLs, so we're introducing a new
resource, the remote_file resource. The remote_file resource will download files from a
remote location. Rather than hardcoding a path like “/tmp” for the package download, Chef
provides a variable you should use instead: Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] . Let Chef
choose the best place to store temporary files for you. Pass the local path where you want to
store the file as a string parameter to remote_file or as a name attribute; in this case, we use
the package_local_path variable. The download URL should be passed to remote_file as
the source attribute.
The package resource should be familiar to you by now, as we used it in Chapter 7 .
In order to execute the chef-server-ctl reconfigure , we need to introduce another new
resource, the execute resource. When you fail to find a resource that meets your needs, you
can use the execute resource to run arbitrary shell commands. Pass the shell command you
want to execute as a string parameter to the execute resource.
Here's the full code listing shown in Example 9-3 .
Example 9-3. chefdk/chef-repo/cookbooks/enterprise-chef/recipes/default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: enterprise-chef
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright (C) 2014
package_url = node [ 'enterprise-chef' ][ 'url' ]
package_name = :: File . basename ( package_url )
package_local_path = " #{ Chef : :Config [ :file_cache_path ] } / #{ package_name } "
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