Information Technology Reference
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- [ "private_network" , { ip : "" } ]
customize :
memory : 1536
suites :
- name : default
run_list :
- recipe [ enterprise - chef : :default ]
attributes :
Generate a default attributes file in attributes/default.rb .
Chef Development Kit:
$ chef generate attribute default
Chef Client:
$ touch attributes/default.rb
Add an attribute specifying the download URL for the Chef Server package that you ob-
tained from the Enterprise Chef download link page. We recommend using the 11.1.8 version
URL as shown in Example 9-2 , as we wrote the examples for this chapter for this version of
Example 9-2. chefdk/chef-repo/cookbooks/enterprise-chef/attributes/default.rb
default [ 'enterprise-chef' ][ 'url' ] = \
'' \
Let's take an initial stab at coding a recipe to replicate the manual steps to install Chef Server
outlined in How to Install Enterprise Chef Server Manually . Enter in the first version of the
code as shown in Example 9-3 . Let's go over some of the highlights of the code in the fol-
lowing paragraphs.
Rather than typing in long variable names like node['enterprise-chef']['url'] , feel
free to use temporary local variables in a recipe with shorter names, such as:
package_url = node [ 'enterprise-chef' ][ 'url' ]
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