Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
In the case of the Chef configuration management tool, specifies a configuration to be
run on each instance. Among other things, a suite contains a list of recipes to run on each
The platform names in your .kitchen.yml file are aliases that point to baseboxes managed by
Chef Software. When you see values such as:
platforms :
- name : ubuntu - 12 . 04
- name : centos - 6 . 4
Test Kitchen expands the values to the following internally:
platforms :
- name : ubuntu - 12 . 04
driver :
box : opscode - ubuntu - 12 . 04
box_url : https : //o pscode - vm - bento . s3 . amazonaws . com / vagrant / \
opscode_ubuntu - 12 . 04 _provisionerless . box
- name : centos - 6 . 4
driver :
box : opscode - centos - 6 . 4
box_url : https : //o pscode - vm - bento . s3 . amazonaws . com / vagrant / \
opscode_centos - 6 . 4 _provisionerless . box
Each platform item can have a driver key-value pair that specifies a box and a box_url , de-
noting the name of the box in the vagrant box list catalog and the URL from which the
basebox file can be downloaded, respectively. When they are not specified, the kitchen-
vagrant driver assumes you want to download baseboxes from the standard Chef Software
site on the Internet.
In this chapter, we introduced the following commands that Test Kitchen uses to manage
sandbox environments:
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