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Test Kitchen Configuration with .kitchen.yml
Now that you understand the basics of YAML, let's go over the .kitchen.yml file that Test
Kitchen generated:
driver :
name : vagrant
provisioner :
name : chef_solo
platforms :
- name : ubuntu - 12 . 04
- name : centos - 6 . 4
suites :
- name : default
run_list :
attributes :
The three hyphens at the beginning denote that kitchen.yml is a YAML file.
The .kitchen.yml contains four main sections:
Specifies the driver plugin to use, plus configuration parameters to manage Test Kitchen
environments. You can get a list of drivers running the command kitchen driver dis-
cover . We're using the default driver kitchen-vagrant . By convention, the kitchen-
part of the driver name is dropped when specified in kitchen.yml .
Determines which configuration management tool will be used to provision the driver's
environment(s). We're using the chef_solo provisioner. When you run kitchen setup
it will install Chef Client on the node, if it is not already installed.
A list of operating systems for which Test Kitchen will create instances.
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