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Fig. 4.2 Imperial square before Tian An Men in Qing Dynasty
1 Tian An Men, 2 Zheng Yang Gate and Archery Tower, 3 Left Chang An Men, 4 Right Chang An
Men, 5 Da Qing Men of Qing Dynasty, 6 The Red Walls, 7 A Thousand Steps Corrido r
grandest buildings in the imperial city—Tai He Dian (the Palace of Prosperity and
Peace), Zhong He Dian (the Central Peace Palace), Bao He Dian (the Palace of
Precious Peace), and the royal residential palaces in the rear part of the imperial
city—Qian Qing Gong (the Palace of Piety and Purity), Jiao Tai Dian (the Palace of
Mutual Prosperity) and Kun Ning Gong (the Palace of Feminine Calmness) (Fig. 4.2 ).
The 1911 Revolution (Xinhai Revolution) ended more than 2,000 years of
feudalism and it was not until then that the imperial court in front of Tian An Men
was open to the public. It was in Tian An Men Square that the famous May 4th
Movement in 1919 fi rst started and began the overture of the Neo-Democratic
Revolution. This is one of the most important historical incidents which took place
in the city of Beijing. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and after
30 years of struggle, the People's Republic of China was born. The inauguration of
the People's Republic took place in the year 1949, on the fi rst of October in Tian An
Men Square. This incident gave a new signifi cance to Tian An Men. This grand and
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