Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
GIMIAS is built over widely used open source C++ based libraries like the Visu-
alisation Toolkit (VTK, supported by Kitware Inc.), the Insight Toolkit (ITK, also
supported by Kitware Inc.), the DICOM Toolkit (DCMTK, supported by Offis in
Germany), the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK, developed at the Di-
vision of Medical Informatics, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Ger-
many) and other commonly used C++ libraries (Boost, wxWidgets, CXXTest, among
Clinician and researcher end-user features
Direct integration with PACS systems. Conformity to DICOM Standard: Query/
Multimodal 2D and 3D image interactive visualisation:
control of the visualisation window (Window Width/Level);
zoom and displacement;
image rotation (+90, -90) and vertical and horizontal views;
image annotations, including Landmarks, Measurements and Regions of in-
terest (ROI);
movie control: play forward, play back, infinite loop, speed control, etc.
Clinical workflow navigation to easily walk through the workflow steps. Usable
interface for clinical environment.
Data: 3D images, surface meshes, volumetric meshes, signals and landmarks.
Visualisation: Multiplanar reformation, OrthoSlice, MultiSlice, Direct volume ren-
dering, XRay, Maximum-intensity projection.
IO formats: DICOM, vtk, vti, stl, Nifty, Analyze.
on Linux platform and Mac.
Tools include: a DICOM browser and PACS connection; a manual segmenta-
tion tool; Surface mesh manipulation tools: Smoothing, volume closing, mesh
optimisation, tetra generation, ring cut, skeletonization; a Signal viewer; a Land-
mark selection tool; Image processing tools.
An example of the GIMIAS user interface is shown in Fig. 8.5.
Developer's features
C++ language, Plug-in architecture, and Cross-platform using standard CMake
Easy integration of external libraries using CSnake tool.
Based on common open source libraries (VTK, ITK, MITK, BOOST, wxWid-
gets, cmgui).
Command line plugins to easily extend the framework.
Automated GUI generation: Uses XML to describe the parameters of a filter (com-
patible with 3D Slicer). Use automated GUI generation to create the graphical
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