Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 8.5. Visualisation of CT image of the heart on GIMIAS rendering, based on VTK (on top)
and the mechanical simulation model of the heart in cmgui rendering, based on OpenGL (on the
bottom), visualized together under the same user interface
Extensible Processing layer: supporting different processing data libraries inte-
grated into the framework. For example, GIMIAS handles ITK image, VTK im-
age, MITK image, cmgui image and automatic conversion between them.
Extensible Rendering layer: support for different rendering libraries. Cmgui and
MITK have been integrated as plugins that provide different rendering views.
VTK image or a vtkPolyData can be rendered in cmgui or MITK view. The cam-
era parameters of rendering windows using different rendering techniques can be
VTK, MITK and ITK execution module: Dynamic library module can execute
filters (like vtkImageThreshold) directly using a DLL (like vtkImaging.dll). This
reduces the effort needed to integrate processing toolkits.
GIMIAS can seamlessly integrate signals and images in the same workflow (Fig. 8.6).
GIMIAS allows visualisation of multiple channels of physiological signals and their
navigation maintaining temporal synchronization. Additionally, it is possible to si-
multaneously navigate through images and signals, for instance in cardiac imaging
studies where simultaneous ECG and blood pressure are monitored.
It's also possible to add annotations to the signals, choosing from a predefined set
of typical biomedical annotations or defining new custom annotations names. The
user can also specify the duration of each annotation along the signal.
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