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2 -hard. Hint: Re-
3. Show that
the problem XML-SM-M EMBERSHIP is
duce the validity of
Π 2 quantified Boolean formulae,
formulae of
x 1 ...
x n
y 1 ...
y m ϕ
is a Boolean formula over variables
x 1 ,..., x n , y 1 ,..., y m
in conjunctive normal form and quantification ranges over
true and false .
4. Prove that for a given tree T and UNFTA
it can be decided in P TIME if
is UFTA(DFA), it can be done in L OGSPACE .
5. Prove that for a given UNFTA
T .If
it can be decided in P TIME if there exists a tree
6. Let D be a nested-relational DTD. Show that for each XML tree T agreeing with a
D -kind K there exists exactly one witnessing substitution T u (see page 164 ).
7. Give an example of a tree automaton
accepted by
L ( K ) such that
there is more than one witnessing substitution. Can this automaton be deterministic?
8. (Source: Bojanczyk et al. ( 2011 ))
Show that for a fixed mapping
-kind K and a tree T
, solution existence can be checked in L OGSPACE .
9. (Source: Bojanczyk et al. ( 2011 ))
A schema
has height at most k . Show that
for mappings with the target schema of fixed depth, solution building can be done in
E XPTIME , and solution existence can be tested in
has depth k if each tree conforming to
Σ 3 P.
10. (Source: Bojanczyk et al. ( 2011 ))
Show that the S OL E XISTENCE problem is N EXPTIME -hard also for mappings that do
not use = on the source side, and for mappings that use
+ but do not use . Hint:
Modify the reduction in proof of Theorem 12.28 .
11. (Source: Amano et al. ( 2010 ))
Give an example of a mapping
SM nr (
M ∈
, =) and a query Q
, =) such
that CERTAIN M ( Q ) is CO NP-complete.
12. Generalize the P TIME -algorithm for certain answers so that it handles
(a) mappings in SM nr (
+ , =) and queries in CTQ(
, =);
(b) mappings in SM nr (
, = ,
=) and queries in CTQ(
, =).
13. (Source: Amano et al. ( 2010 ))
A mapping
is called
-specified if in each target pattern,
the order of the sub-
patterns is completely specified by means of
;e.g., r [ a
b ] is allowed, and
-specified mapping from SM nr (
r [ a , b
b ] is not. Find a
), and a query from
, =) such that CERTAIN M ( Q ) is CO NP-complete. Formulate and prove a
similar result for
+ .
14. (Source: David et al. ( 2010 ))
Find a family
{T n } n > 0 of sets of XML trees such that
|T n |
= n , each tree in
T n has
T n hassizeatleast2 n .
( n ), but each max-description of
15. (Source: David et al. ( 2010 ))
Show that there exist a family of trees
S n } n > 0 with
S n |
( n ), a mapping
M ∈
SM nr (
, ),anda TQL query Q such that CERTAIN M ( Q , S n ) has the size at least 2 n .
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